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Saturday 3 April 2010

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Review (4.5/5)

"There's no way he'll best Tennant" came the voices of thousands of Who fans as they witnessed Matt Smith's frantic arrival to the TARDIS on New Year's Day "no way in time and space". And yet, while it's too early to make bold assumptions of the Eleventh Doctor, in The Eleventh Hour Smith was truly on form, showcasing all the elements a great Doctor should possess, while highlighting the struggle in which his Time Lord faced to come to terms with how dramatic a change he had undergone. The 60 minute opener certainly boasted enough plot-lines and gags to keep fans and newcomers alike entertained, while its ominous hints that "silence will fall" and "the Pandorica will open" leave plenty to be revealed as Series 5 comes to an epic climax. Not much could be said of the plot, which- while a competent way of introducing the new leads- was frankly all over the place, undecided as to whether it wanted to be a horror, thriller or general action-adventure, meaning that this wasn't the perfect slice of Who some might have been expecting. However, judging by the superb enthusiasm maintained by the new protagonists throughout, things can only get better...

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