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Saturday 17 July 2010

Game Ratings At On Screen

A quick guide to what each of our game ratings mean:

0/5- Some developers are just sick- it feels like no effort has been put in here.
1 or 1.5/5- Features brief moments of fun, but swimming in mediocrity and so not even worth a rental.
2 or 2.5/5- Simply doesn't impress highly on any level, though there are times where you can have some (restricted) fun. Only buy these titles if you're desperate.
3 or 3.5/5- Doesn't live up to the hype given, but if you're willing to accept this and look at games for their accomplishments, you might get some enjoyment here.
4 or 4.5/5- If you've even considered buying these heavily at any point, either of these ratings mean they are definitely worth it. A 4/5 means it's either a great standalone game or amazing fan service (such as Toy Story 3), but a 4.5/5 means its near-perfect, and only one or two flaws stop it from being the perfect game.
5/5- Essential games come here (though 4s and 4.5s are worth it too), and are basically worth full price no matter what.
5.5/5- When a game goes all out to impress, has no visible flaws and will last you a while, bringing gaming into the decade with a bang, they get this. Mario Galaxy 2 & Grand Theft Auto IV are examples of this massive achievement.

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