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Sunday 1 May 2011

Doctor Who: Day Of The Moon Review (5/5)

Fresh off an excellent season opener, Doctor Who returned and raised its ante even further with Day Of The Moon, a stunning conclusion to the USA two-parter and an ambitious prelude to the rest of Series Six. We picked up the story three months after the events of The Impossible Astronaut (and though we don't get to see what happened directly after the cliffhanger in detail, I have a feeling we will in weeks to come!), as the Doctor's companions went on the run from the FBI in what proved an intelligent pre-titles sequence far longer and more intricate than anything before. Soon enough, we had a plot device allowing the TARDIS crew to remember the Silence, a terrifying sequence in a near-abandoned orphanage that held many secrets for discussion- Amy's child, the astronaut and the woman with an eyepatch for starters- and ultimately an epic battle in the time capsule that saw the series antagonists bested through the unexpected use of Apollo 11 to make humanity notice their occupiers and turn on them. All that was more than enough to make this episode essential viewing, but then we came to the superb dénouement featuring a heartbreaking exchange between the Doctor and River (one part in particular proved a big indicator as to who the latter might be), a TARDIS pregnancy test that was more than a little uncertain and of course the cliffhanger that took even a dedicated fan such as myself off guard and ensured that you won't want to miss a single story of the 2011 run. Quite simply, although Episode One was a promising start, it's with Day Of The Moon that the Doctor Who team have proved we're in for something very special this year!

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