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Thursday 20 December 2012

The On-Screen Advent Calendar 2012: Day Twenty

On a number of the remaining days of our Advent Calendar, we'll be retelling the adventures of the Eleventh Doctor so far in Doctor Who. Through his dealings with the cracks of time in Series Five to the death of the Doctor arc in Series Six and indeed the fall of the Ponds, we'll recap all of the major events in the new Time Lord's life up until The Snowmen. Without further ado, then, let's get going...
Hurtling down to Earth after an explosive regeneration sent the TARDIS astray, the new Doctor found himself crashing in the village of Leadworth. Here he met a little girl named Amelia Pond, who showed him a mysterious crack inside his wall. Before he had time to investigate, though, the Doctor was forced to take the TARDIS into the Time Vortex, only accidentally returning to Leadworth fourteen years later when Amy was a full-grown adult working as a kissogram.

Once the Doctor had regained the faith of The Girl Who Waited, they worked together with her fiancĂ©e Rory to stop the sinister Prisoner Zero, who warned that “the universe is cracked” and “silence will fall” before being taken back for execution by the Atraxi. From here on out, the Doctor and Amy commenced their travels in time, facing Smilers deep into humanity’s future, Daleks in the Second World War and Weeping Angels at the Crash of the Byzantium. Soon enough, Amy gave a big revelation: she had journeyed away with the Time Lord on the night before her wedding!

After a rather raunchy jaunt to discuss this turn of events in Amy’s home, the Doctor picked up Rory and took the Ponds back to 18th Century Venice. Here, they fought sinister Vampire-like creatures, before departing for further adventures including an encounter with the Dream Lord and Silurians in the depths of Wales. After the Silurian investigation, the Doctor discovered that the cracks in time were following him, linked to an explosion taking place on Amy’s wedding day and caused by none other than the TARDIS itself. Rory found himself sucked in by a crack after a worthy sacrifice, leaving Amy to forget her husband-to-be as they departed.

Once they had dealt with a menace plaguing Vincent Van Gogh and the third floor of Craig Owens’ apartment, the Doctor and Amy travelled back to Roman times to meet their old friend River Song. Together, they discovered Rory was still alive, and as a time team they escaped the Pandorica alliance’s sinister trap, initiating a second Big Bang to save time and reality from the Silence’s planned explosion. The Time Lord was almost erased from time in the process, but at her wedding Amy brought her Raggedy Man back into existence. The trigger? River, who somehow had the ability to see between parallel dimensions. How that was possible, the elusive time traveller wouldn’t let on, but she assured the Doctor he would know the truth soon…

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