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Sunday 9 December 2012

Wreck-It-Ralph 2 Announced

The new hit Disney movie has already got a sequel set up!
As if Wreck-It-Ralph wasn't paying enough homage to the industry of video gaming, now the Disney animated feature film shares another trope with the industry: there's a sequel a-coming. The movie hasn't even reached our UK shores yet, but over in the US it's performing valiantly for ticket sales against Twilight and Skyfall, so the choice of a follow-up seemed inevitable. Here's what director Rich Moore had to say on what's to come: "We'll really come up for something to do with Mario. To be able to present him in the sequel would be great." Disney informed the press that Nintendo did give permission for Mario to feature in the original flick, yet the writers didn't feel they could do justice to the character in the already-crowded storyline. Wreck-It-Ralph 2 will likely release in 2014.

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